Data layer and events
This article provides information about the data layer variables and events tracked by the Tealium Shopify app.
For more information about the Tealium data layer and the Universal Data Object, see An introduction to the data layer and Universal Data Object.
Supported variables
The following universal data layer variables are supported for the Tealium Shopify app:
Variable | Description |
cart_total_items |
integer |
cart_total_value |
float |
country_code |
string |
customer_city |
string |
customer_country |
string |
customer_email |
string |
customer_first_name |
string |
customer_id |
string |
customer_last_name |
string |
customer_logged_in |
boolean |
customer_state |
string |
customer_zip |
string |
language_code |
string |
order_currency |
string |
order_discount_amount |
string |
order_id |
string |
order_shipping |
float |
order_subtotal |
float |
order_tax |
float |
order_total |
float |
page_name |
string |
page_type |
string |
payment_gateway |
string |
product_brand |
list |
product_category |
list |
product_currency |
string |
product_id |
list |
product_image_url |
list |
product_main_id |
list |
product_name |
list |
product_normal_price |
list |
product_on_page |
list |
product_one_variant |
list |
product_price |
list |
product_quantity |
list |
product_sku |
list |
product_unit_price |
list |
product_url |
list |
search_keyword |
string |
search_results |
integer |
site_section |
string |
tealium_event |
string |
tealium_from_checkout |
integer |
tealium_visitor_id |
string |
The following sections show example data for specific events.
Example data for page_view and category_view events
Variable | Example Value |
cart_total_items |
“0” |
cart_total_value |
“0.00” |
customer_logged_in |
“false” |
language_code |
“en” |
page_name |
“Women’s Clothing” |
page_type |
“page” |
product_on_page |
[“40586935271479”, “40586935664695”, “40586935599159”, “40586935402551”, “40586935762999”,…] |
site_section |
“collection” |
Example data for product_view events
Variable | Example Value |
cart_total_items |
“0” |
cart_total_value |
“0.00” |
customer_logged_in |
“false” |
language_code |
“en” |
page_name |
“Women’s Shoes” |
page_type |
“product” |
product_brand |
[“XYZ Shoes”] |
product_id |
[“6933873000503”] |
product_name |
[“Flats”] |
product_price |
[“600.00”] |
product_sku |
[""] |
site_section |
“product” |
tealium_event |
“product_view” |
tealium_visitor_id |
“01902bf47c7200111b70236f67ee0506f004b06700fbe” |
Example data for cart_add / cart_remove
Variable | Example Value |
cart_total_items |
“0” |
cart_total_value |
“0.00” |
customer_logged_in |
“false” |
language_code |
“en” |
page_name |
“Women’s Clothing” |
page_type |
“product” |
product_brand |
[“XYZ Clothing”] |
product_category |
[""] |
product_currency |
“CAD” |
product_id |
[“40586935402551”] |
product_image_url |
[""] |
product_main_id |
[6933873000503] |
product_name |
[“XYZ Womens’s Flats”] |
product_normal_price |
[600] |
product_one_variant |
[true] |
product_quantity |
[1] |
product_unit_price |
[600] |
product_url |
["/products/the-collection-snowboard-hydrogen?variant=40586935402551"] |
tealium_visitor_id |
“01902bf47c7200111b70236f67ee0506f004b06700fbe” |
Example data for search events
Variable | Example Value |
cart_total_items |
“0” |
cart_total_value |
“0.00” |
customer_logged_in |
“false” |
language_code |
“en” |
search_keyword |
“shoes” |
search_results |
12 |
site_section |
“search” |
page_name |
“Search: 12 results found for "shoes"” |
product_on_page |
[“40586935009335”, “40586935566391”, “40586935500855”, “40586934976567”, “40586935402551”,…] |
Example data for purchase events
Variable | Example Value |
site_section |
“order” |
tealium_from_checkout |
1 |
customer_country |
“US” |
customer_state |
“CA” |
customer_city |
“San Diego” |
customer_zip |
“92121” |
customer_id |
“6691629760567” |
customer_logged_in |
“false” |
customer_email |
“” |
customer_first_name |
“user” |
customer_last_name |
“name” |
country_code |
“US” |
order_id |
“5853792796727” |
order_subtotal |
2400 |
order_total |
2400 |
order_currency |
“USD” |
order_tax |
0 |
order_shipping |
0 |
order_discount_amount |
"" |
payment_gateway |
“shopify_payments” |
product_id |
[“6933873000503”] |
product_on_page |
[“6933873000503”] |
product_quantity |
[4] |
product_unit_price |
[2400] |
product_name |
[“XYZ Women’s Flats”] |
product_sku |
[“40586935402551”] |
page_name |
“Information - Tealiumapp - Checkout” |
cart_total_items |
1 |
cart_total_value |
2400 |
page_type |
“order” |
tealium_event |
“purchase” |
tealium_visitor_id |
“01902bf47c7200111b70236f67ee0506f004b06700fbe” |
This page was last updated: January 29, 2025