Server-side save and publish changes
This article describes how to save and publish changes to your server-side configuration.
Server-side Concurrency is in Early Access and is only available to select customers. If you are interested in trying this feature, contact your Tealium Support representative.
How it works
As you add, edit, or remove items in your server-side configuration, you must save your changes to preserve them. Changes to your configuration are not automatically saved. If you sign out or close your browser without saving, your changes are discarded.
After you save your changes, you can log out or close the window and your configuration is preserved for you or the next user that logs into the account.
When you save your changes you create a version of your profile. Typically, you will create a new version to work on a set of related changes to your configuration. This makes it easy to identify those changes in the version history and to revert to that version if needed.
However, saving a version will not put your changes into the production system. To activate your changes in production, you must also publish your version.
Save or publish changes
When you click Save/Publish, the following screen appears where you select how to save your changes:

- Save as a new version
Choose whether to save changes to the current version or create a new version. This checkbox is not selected by default. If you want to save your changes as a new version for a new project, select Save as new version. - Include latest published changes
This option appears if you are behind the published version. Choose whether to include the latest changes that have been published in this profile. If you do not select this option, the published changes from the other version will not be integrated into your version. This checkbox is selected by default.
- Version Name
Enter a name for the version. This name appears on various screens to identify this version, so choose a descriptive name that summarizes the changes in this version. By default, the Version field displays a date and timestamp. If you are saving to the current version, you cannot change the version name. - Notes
Enter notes about the changes you are saving. The notes are useful to inform other users about your changes or if you need to revert to this version in the future and need to remember the changes. This is a required field, so you cannot save the version without entering notes. - Publish Version
If you want to publish this version, select Publish version.
Review changes

The Changes to be saved or Changes to be published table displays information about the changes you are saving and any changes included from the latest published version:
- The type of item that is changing (audience, attribute, etc.).
- The name of the item.
- The action taken on the item (Created, Updated, or Deleted).
- The status of the change (Saved, Unsaved, or Published).
- The user who made the change.
This table might contain changes generated by the system. For example, if you add an event specification, the system automatically creates rules associated with the event specification, which will appear as unsaved changes in this table.
If you’ve edited an item that was also updated in the latest published version, your changes will override those updates when you publish.
Historical information
Historical information appears on the right side of the window:
- Latest Published Version: Displays the version name, timestamp, user, and notes about the most recently published version.
- Version status: Compares your current version, including any saved or unsaved changes you have made to it, to the currently published version and displays one of the following status messages:
- You are ahead of the published version
Your version includes changes that are not in the currently published version. - You are up to date
Your current version and the latest published version match. - You are behind the published version
The currently published version includes changes that are not in your current version. If you are developing changes in a version while other users have published changes in other versions, you will want to integrate those changes into your version. The Include latest published changes option will appear, and these changes appear in the Changes to be saved or Changes to be published table as Published.
- You are ahead of the published version
This page was last updated: February 27, 2025