Webhook - Send Custom Request - Trimou Templating Engine Guide
Trimou is an open-source templating engine that allows the rendering of documents based on JSON input and a template definition. This guide explains common syntax, as well as extensions which are custom to Tealium AudienceStream.
For more, see: Trimou 2.3.0 Documentation
When setting up a webhook in AudienceStream, a vistor profile has visitor and visit attributes that need to be mapped to the required output. A visitor profile example that shows all data types available for mapping:
"badges": [
"Test Badge"
"dates": {
"Test Date [dat]": 1600128000000
"flags": { --booleans
"Test Boolean [bln]": true
"metrics": { --numbers
"Lifetime visit count": 12
"metric_sets": { --tallies
"Test Tally [tly]": {
"A": 1,
"B": 2,
"C": 3
"properties": { --strings
"Test String [str]": "Hello"
"property_sets": { --sets of strings
"Test Set of Strings [ss]": [
"property_lists": { --arrays of strings
"Test Array Strings [arrs]": [
"metric_lists": { --arrays of numbers
"Test Array Numbers [arrn]": [
"flag_lists": { --arrays of booleans
"Test Array Booleans [arrb]": [
Map all attributes from the input visitor profile that you want to use in the Trimou template. The values of the mapped attributes become available to the Trimou rendering engine.
The following shows the data types available for mapping when setting up your template variables:

The syntax examples in the sections below reference the visitor profile.
Variable Substitution
The name of a variable is a placeholder for its data value. Variable substitution references this value with double curly braces, such as {{var}}
In the following example, the String variable {{str}}
is substituted with it’s value Hello
Template | Rendered Value |
{{str}} |
Hello |
{{str}} world |
Hello world |
The following example gets the first value in the array of numbers {{arrn}}
, referenced by specifying the index .
Template | Rendered Value |
The value is {{arrn.0}} |
The value is 1.0 |
The value is {{arrn.1}} |
The value is 1.0 |
The value is {{arrn.2}} |
The value is 2.0 |
A section of content, surrounded by opening {{#var}}
and closing {{/var}}
tags, is rendered if there is an object found for the given key. This includes a Boolean
of value true
, a non-empty Iterable
, and a non-empty array.
In the following example, since the Boolean
variable bln
is true
, the content is rendered. The content does not render if the variable was false
Template | Rendered Value |
{{#bln}} Section of content{{/bln}} |
Section of content |
In the following example, since the array of Strings arrs is not empty, the content is rendered 3 times, once for each array element. The content does not render if the variable was false
Template | Rendered Value |
{{#arrs}} Section of content {{/arrs}} |
Section of content Section of content Section of content |
Inverted Sections
A section of content, surrounded by opening {{#var}}
and closing {{/var}}
tags, is rendered if there is no object found in the context. This includes a Boolean
of value false
, an Iterable
with no elements, or an empty array.
In the following example, since bln
is true
, the content is not rendered. The content renders if the variable was false
Template | Rendered Value |
{{^bln}} Section of content{{/bln}} |
In the following example, since the variable missing
is not defined in the visitor profile, the content is rendered.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{^missing}} Section of content{{/missing}} |
Section of content |
Trimou provides several helper functions to iterate an array. Nested attributes within an iteration are referenced by name. Trimou determines the context and parent (iteration element) they belong to.
In the above example, we mapped a Set of Strings to the variable “object.ss”, an Array of strings to the variable “object.arrs”, an Array of Numbers to the variable “object.arrn” and finally an Array of Booleans to the variable “object.arrb”. This means we can use Trimou to iterate over these attributes treating them as aligned arrays collectively, by iterating over the variable “object”. The example below shows this.
The following are the Trimou built-in iteration helpers:
(the first element is at index 1) -
mean that we are iterating over the 4 variables that we have prefixed “object.” -
is the current iteration index, starting at 1. -
renders the text inside if it is the first iteration -
renders the text inside if it is the last iteration -
inside the{{#object}}
mean that we are referring to the item in the Set of Strings at this position, since we mapped the Set of Strings to “object.ss”. -
The same goes for
respectively to refer to the Array of Strings, the Array of Numbers and the Array of Booleans -
{{#iter.hasNext}}, {{/iter.hasNext}}
renders a comma if the iteration has more elements (iterHasNext istrue
"ss": "{{ss}}",
"arrs": "{{arrs}}",
"arrn": "{{arrn}}",
"arrb": "{{arrb}}",
}{{#iter.hasNext}}, {{/iter.hasNext}}
Rendered Value
"MyData": [{
"idx": 1,
"first": "true",
"ss": "A",
"arrs": "A",
"arrn": "1.0",
"arrb": "true",
}, {
"idx": 2,
"ss": "B",
"arrs": "A",
"arrn": "1.0",
"arrb": "true",
}, {
"idx": 3,
"last": "true",
"ss": "C",
"arrs": "B",
"arrn": "2.0",
"arrb": "false",
For iterating over a tally (we mapped the tally to “tly” in the example above), you can use a special iterator, called the entrySet
. Inside this, you can refer to the key and the value, as in the example below
Template | Rendered Value |
{{#each tly.entrySet}}
"{{key}}": "{{value.toInteger}}"{{#iter.hasNext}},{{/iter.hasNext}}
Rendered Value
"MyTally": {
"A": "1",
"B": "2",
"C": "3"
Helper Functions
Templates provide additional and custom functionality through Tealium provided helper functions. They allow for transforming data and make it easier to generate the desired document format.
Customer Data Hub uses decimals to store various numbers. This helper forces the output in collections to be integer values. Can be used with toJson
Template | Rendered Value |
tally |
{A=1.0, B=2.0, C=3.0 } |
tally.castIntegers |
{A=1, B=2, C=3} |
tally.castIntegers.toJson |
{"A":1,"B":2,"C":3} |
Encode content in base64.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{#encodeBase64}} {{str}} world{{/encodeBase64}} |
wqDCoEhlbGxvIHdvcmxkCg== |
URL-encode content.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{#encodeUrl}}https://www.google.com/search?q=tealium{{/encodeUrl}} |
https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dtealium |
Escape values for use in HTML documents.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{#escapeHtml}}<hello>&"world{{/escapeHtml}} |
<hello>&"world |
Escape values for use in JSON objects/arrays.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{#escapeJson}}{"foo":"bar"}{{/escapeJson}} |
{\"foo\":\"bar\"} |
Escape values for use in XML documents.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{#escapeXml}}<hello>&\"world{{/escapeXml}} |
<hello>&"world |
Formats date variable according to specified pattern. Pattern syntax corresponds to Java’s Simple Date formatting. For full table listing, see the Java Simple Date Format documentation.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{dat}} |
2020-09-15T00:00:00.000Z |
{{formatDate dat pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm a"}} |
2020-09-15 00:00 AM |
HMAC Generator, computes a Hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) using a secret key. A HMAC is a small set of data that helps authenticate the nature of message; it protects the integrity and the authenticity of the message.
The secret key is a unique piece of information that is used to compute the HMAC and is known both by the sender and the receiver of the message. This key will vary in length depending on the algorithm that you use.
The following example assumes that testKey
, timestamp
, ip
and lang
exist as valid input variables in the Trimou template.
Template | Explanation | Rendered Value |
{{hash algorithm="HmacSHA256" encodingCharset="UTF-8" binaryEncoding="hex" joinOn="" useSecretKey="true" testKey timestamp ip lang}} |
Template Variables: testKey , timestamp , ip , timestamp and since useSecretKey="true" the first variable provided. For example, testKey will be used as the Secret Key for HMAC calculation |
For example, if the concatenation of the timestamp, ip and lang are: 2020-08-20T08:45:33.412127.0.0.1en-US and the testKey is w8sZzy8EaPaxFKfaoTqUi6 The result is: a0afb572e3fc174c2dea112e1a9922fb9903caa65e6aa9e50e47758b8a611542 |
Options | Required | Possible Values | Description |
algorithm | Yes | example: HmacSHA256 |
available options are: - when secretKey="true" refer to Java Mac Algorithms- when secretKey="false" refer to Java MessageDigest Algorithms |
encodingCharset | No | UTF-8 (Default), US-ASCII |
binaryEncoding | No | base64 (Default), hex |
binaryEncodingOptions | No | lowercase (Default), uppercase |
only applies when binaryEncoding="hex" |
joinOn | No | input concatenation separator; provide empty value "" if you need to concatenate on empty | |
useSecretKey | No | false (Default), true |
secretKey | No | ||
variables | YES | Place all variables after the last option specified. For example: - if secretKey="true" , the first variable after all options are specified will be used as secretKey and all the others as the variables to be joined by joinOn option. - if secretKey="false" , they will all be used as variables to be joined by joinOn option. |
Print the content if the variable exists and has content. The following example assumes that lang
exist as valid input variables in the Trimou template.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{#if str}} {{str}} world! {{/if}} |
Hello world! |
{{#if arrn}} {{arrn.toJson}} {{/if}} |
[1.0,1.0,2.0] |
{{#if ss}} {{ss.toJson}} {{/if}} |
[“A”,“B”,“C”] |
Print the content if the values are equal.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{#isEq bln true}}Boolean is true{{/isEq}} |
Boolean is true |
{{#isEq bln false}}Boolean is false{{/isEq}} |
{{#isEq str "Hello"}}String is Hello{{/isEq}} |
String is Hello |
{{#isEq str "Test"}}String is Test{{/isEq}} |
Print the content if the values are equal.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{#isNotEq bln true}}Boolean is false{{/isNotEq}} |
{{#isNotEq bln false}}Boolean is true{{/isNotEq}} |
Boolean is true |
{{#isNotEq str "Hello"}}Hello world!{{/isNotEq}} |
{{#isNotEq str "Some string"}}Hello there!{{/isNotEq}} |
Hello there! |
Join will convert a list into a string with an optional joiner. Assuming empty_list
is an empty list, no value is rendered.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{join ss}} |
A,B,C |
{{join ss on=" and "}} |
A and B and C |
{{join ss on=""}} |
A B C |
{{join empty_list on=" and "}} |
If provided content that contains valid JSON, minifies it (removes all whitespace). If the content is not valid JSON, the original value is shown with no changes.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{#jsonMinify}} { "name" : "Bob", "status" : "He is hungry!", } {{/jsonMinify}} |
{“name”:“Bob”,“status”:“He is hungry!”} |
MD5 hash the content.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{#md5}}Hello World!{{/md5}} |
ed076287532e86365e841e92bfc50d8c |
SHA1 hash the content.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{#sha1}}Hello world!{{/sha1}} |
d3486ae9136e7856bc42212385ea797094475802 |
SHA256 hash the content.
Template | Rendered Value |
{#sha256}}Hello World!{{/sha256}} |
7f83b1657ff1fc53b92dc18148a1d65dfc2d4b1fa3d677284addd200126d9069 |
Print the substring that begins at the specified start
index and ends at the specified end
index - 1.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{sequence}} |
“123456789” |
{{substring sequence start="0" end="5"}} |
“12345” |
Print the substring after the specified separator string.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{screensize}} |
“340x480x640” |
{{substringAfter screenSize separator="x"}} |
“480x640” |
Print the substring after the last occurrence of the specified separator string.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{screensize}} |
“340x480x640” |
{{substringAfterLast screenSize separator="x"}} |
“640” |
Print the substring before the specified separator string.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{screensize}} |
“340x480x640” |
{{substringBefore screenSize separator="x"}} |
“340” |
Print the substring before the last occurrence of the specified separator string.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{screensize}} |
“340x480x640” |
{{substringBeforeLast screenSize separator="x"}} |
“340x480” |
Print the substring between the specified open
and close
Template | Rendered Value |
{{animals}} |
“cat dog tiger duck” |
{{substringBetween animals open="cat" close="duck"}} |
" dog tiger " |
Sum all of the values in a list or tally.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{tly.sum}} |
6.0 |
{{arrn.sum}} |
4.0 |
Convert a variable’s value to an integer.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{num}} |
1.0 |
{{num.toInteger}} |
1 |
Print the variable in a JSON format.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{tly}} |
{A=1.0, B=2.0, C=3.0} |
{{tly.toJson}} |
{“A”:1.0,“B”:2.0,“C”:3.0} |
Convert a JSON-formatted-array string into an array for additional operations.
For arrn: ["1","2","2"]
Template | Rendered Value |
{{arrn.toList.sum}} |
4.0 |
Convert a date variable’s value to the Unix seconds timestamp format.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{dat}} |
2020-09-15T00:00:00.000Z |
{{dat.toTimestamp}} |
1600128000 |
Convert a date variable’s value to the Unix milliseconds timestamp format.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{dat}} |
2020-09-15T00:00:00.000Z |
{{dat.toTimestampMs}} |
1600128000000 |
Print the connector fire time in seconds since Unix epoch. This is useful for authorization headers. Optionally, format the date variable according to a specified pattern. Pattern syntax corresponds to Java’s Simple Date formatting. For full table listing, see the Java Simple Date Format documentation.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{unixTimestamp}} |
1599859440 |
{{unixTimestamp format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm a"}} |
2020-09-11 21:24 PM |
Print the connector fire time in milliseconds since epoch. This is useful for authorization headers. Optionally, format the date variable according to a specified pattern. Pattern syntax corresponds to Java’s Simple Date formatting. For full table listing, see the Java Simple Date Format documentation.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{unixTimestampMs}} |
1599859605838 |
{{unixTimestampMs format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm a"}} |
2020-09-11 21:26 PM |
Print the content if the parameter does not exist or has no content.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{#unless str}}str doesn't exist or no content{{/unless}} |
{{#unless str2}}str2 doesn't exist or no content{{/unless}} |
str2 doesn’t exist or no content |
Print a randomly generated UUID. Useful for creating nonces.
Template | Rendered Value |
{{uuid}} |
4d61f298-2a8d-461d-a3bf-b153892a7b49 |
This page was last updated: December 26, 2024