This article provides the data layer definition for publishers.
Data Layer Attributes
Variable | Description | Example | Type |
click_category |
During click tracking events, the category of the element clicked | footer |
String |
click_label |
During click tracking events, the name of the element clicked | Submit |
String |
click_type |
During click tracking events, distinguish between different elements clicked | button |
String |
content_author |
The name of the author of the content | John Smith |
String |
content_id |
The unique ID of the page content | 38121 |
String |
content_publish_date |
The publish date of the page content, in format YYYY/MM/DD | 2015/02/09 |
String |
content_title |
The title of the content on the page | Top 7 Outdoor Sleeping Bags |
String |
country_code |
The two-character country code of the site | us |
String |
customer_city |
The customer’s city of residence | San Diego |
String |
customer_country |
The customer’s country of residence | United States |
String |
customer_email |
The customer’s email address | |
String |
customer_first_name |
The first name of the customer | John |
String |
customer_id |
The unique customer ID (if not customer_email ) |
8237572 |
String |
customer_is_logged_in |
A flag to indicate if the current user is logged in | 1 |
String |
customer_last_name |
The last name of the customer | Smith |
String |
customer_postal_code |
The customer’s postal code | 92101 |
String |
customer_state |
The customer’s state/province of residence | CA |
String |
customer_type |
Distinguishes between registered users and guests | guest |
String |
language_code |
The two-character language code of the site | en |
String |
page_friendly_url |
The canonical URL of the page, might be different than the URL in the browser location bar | /travel/national_parks |
String |
page_name |
The user-friendly name of the page | Homepage |
String |
page_number |
For paginated content or galleries, the current page number in view | 2 |
String |
page_type |
The Tealium variable to identify the type of page or template | content |
String |
search_keyword |
The search text entered by the user | Napa valley |
String |
search_results |
The number of search results returned | 42 |
String |
site_display_format |
The display format of the site in view | mobile |
String |
site_section |
The top-level section of your site | Travel |
String |
site_subsection1 |
The first level category of the page hierarchy | National Parks |
String |
site_subsection2 |
The second level category of the page hierarchy | California |
String |
site_subsection3 |
The third level category of the page hierarchy | Yosemite |
String |
site_subsection4 |
The fourth level category of the page hierarchy | Camping |
String |
slide_title |
On a gallery page, the title of the current slide in view | #2 Yellowstone |
String |
social_network |
During social share events, the name of the social network used | facebook |
String |
Tracked Pages
Home Page
Event Name | Description | Sample URL |
page_view |
The home page. | |
"country_code" : "us",
"customer_email" : "",
"customer_first_name" : "John",
"customer_id" : "8237572",
"customer_is_logged_in" : "1",
"customer_last_name" : "Smith",
"customer_type" : "registered",
"language_code" : "en",
"page_friendly_url" : "/home",
"page_name" : "Homepage",
"page_type" : "home",
"site_display_format" : "desktop",
"site_section" : "Home",
"tealium_event" : "page_view"
Section Page
Event Name | Description | Sample URL |
page_view |
A parent-category or top-level section page. | |
"country_code" : "us",
"customer_email" : "",
"customer_first_name" : "John",
"customer_id" : "8237572",
"customer_is_logged_in" : "1",
"customer_last_name" : "Smith",
"customer_type" : "registered",
"language_code" : "en",
"page_friendly_url" : "/travel",
"page_name" : "Travel Home",
"page_type" : "section",
"site_display_format" : "desktop",
"site_section" : "Travel",
"tealium_event" : "page_view"
Category Page
Event Name | Description | Sample URL |
category_view |
A category page, usually displaying a list of products. | |
"country_code" : "us",
"customer_email" : "",
"customer_first_name" : "John",
"customer_id" : "8237572",
"customer_is_logged_in" : "1",
"customer_last_name" : "Smith",
"customer_type" : "registered",
"language_code" : "en",
"page_friendly_url" : "/travel/national_parks/yosemite_camping",
"page_name" : "Homepage",
"page_number" : "2",
"page_type" : "category",
"site_display_format" : "desktop",
"site_section" : "Travel",
"site_subsection1" : "National Parks",
"site_subsection2" : "California",
"site_subsection3" : "Yosemite",
"site_subsection4" : "Camping",
"tealium_event" : "category_view"
Content Page
Event Name | Description | Sample URL |
content_view |
A content page. | |
"content_author" : "Sue Smith",
"content_id" : "38121",
"content_publish_date" : "2015/02/09",
"content_title" : "Top 7 Outdoor Sleeping Bags",
"country_code" : "us",
"customer_email" : "",
"customer_first_name" : "John",
"customer_id" : "8237572",
"customer_is_logged_in" : "1",
"customer_last_name" : "Smith",
"customer_type" : "registered",
"language_code" : "en",
"page_friendly_url" : "/travel/parks/ca/gear/bags.html",
"page_name" : "Camping Gear: Top Sleeping Bags",
"page_type" : "content",
"site_display_format" : "desktop",
"site_section" : "Travel",
"site_subsection1" : "National Parks",
"site_subsection2" : "California",
"site_subsection3" : "Yosemite",
"site_subsection4" : "Camping",
"tealium_event" : "content_view"
Gallery Page
Event Name | Description | Sample URL |
content_view |
A page of content displayed as a gallery of slides. | |
"country_code" : "us",
"customer_email" : "",
"customer_first_name" : "John",
"customer_id" : "8237572",
"customer_is_logged_in" : "1",
"customer_last_name" : "Smith",
"customer_type" : "registered",
"language_code" : "en",
"page_friendly_url" : "/travel/national_parks",
"page_name" : "Top Parks Gallery",
"page_number" : "2",
"page_type" : "gallery",
"site_display_format" : "desktop",
"site_section" : "Travel",
"site_subsection1" : "National Parks",
"slide_title" : "#2 Yellowstone",
"tealium_event" : "content_view"
Search Page
Event Name | Description | Sample URL |
search |
A search results page. | |
"country_code" : "us",
"customer_email" : "",
"customer_first_name" : "John",
"customer_id" : "8237572",
"customer_is_logged_in" : "1",
"customer_last_name" : "Smith",
"customer_type" : "registered",
"language_code" : "en",
"page_friendly_url" : "/search/napa_valley/",
"page_name" : "Search results for: napa valley",
"page_number" : "1",
"page_type" : "search",
"search_keyword" : "napa valley",
"search_results" : "42",
"site_display_format" : "desktop",
"site_section" : "Travel",
"tealium_event" : "search"
Tracked Events
User Login
Event Name | Description |
user_login |
Upon successful user login. |
"customer_city" : "San Diego",
"customer_country" : "United States",
"customer_email" : "",
"customer_first_name" : "John",
"customer_id" : "8237572",
"customer_last_name" : "Smith",
"customer_postal_code" : "92101",
"customer_state" : "CA",
"tealium_event" : "user_login"
User Logout
Event Name | Description |
user_logout |
Upon successful user logout. |
"customer_city" : "San Diego",
"customer_country" : "United States",
"customer_email" : "",
"customer_first_name" : "John",
"customer_id" : "8237572",
"customer_last_name" : "Smith",
"customer_postal_code" : "92101",
"customer_state" : "CA",
"tealium_event" : "user_logout"
User Registration
Event Name | Description |
user_register |
Upon successful user registration. |
"customer_city" : "San Diego",
"customer_country" : "United States",
"customer_email" : "",
"customer_first_name" : "John",
"customer_id" : "8237572",
"customer_last_name" : "Smith",
"customer_postal_code" : "92101",
"customer_state" : "CA",
"tealium_event" : "user_register"
User Update
Event Name | Description |
user_update |
Upon successful update of user profile information. |
"customer_city" : "San Diego",
"customer_country" : "United States",
"customer_email" : "",
"customer_first_name" : "John",
"customer_id" : "8237572",
"customer_last_name" : "Smith",
"customer_postal_code" : "92101",
"customer_state" : "CA",
"tealium_event" : "user_update"
Email Signup
Event Name | Description |
email_signup |
Upon successful signup for email newsletter. |
"customer_email" : "",
"tealium_event" : "email_signup"
Custom Click
Event Name | Description |
custom_click |
Tracking of specific click interactions with the page. |
"link_category" : "Header",
"link_name" : "Login",
"tealium_event" : "custom_click"
Social Share
Event Name | Description |
social_share |
Tracking of social media sharing actions. |
"content_id" : "38121",
"page_friendly_url" : "/travel/national_parks",
"page_name" : "Travel: National Parks",
"social_network" : "facebook",
"tealium_event" : "social_share"
This page was last updated: December 26, 2024