This article describes how to manage AudienceStream attributes.
The new attributes interface is in Early Access and is only available to select customers. If you are interested in trying this feature, contact your Tealium Support representative.
Go to AudienceStream > Visitor/Visit Attributes to view your attributes.
The table of attributes contains the following information:
Name: The name of the attribute.
Last Update When the attribute was last updated. If the attribute has never been updated, the value in this column is blank.
Notes: Any notes about the attribute.
Labels: Labels assigned to the attribute.
Dependencies: The number of items that depend on this attribute.
AudienceDB: Whether the attribute is stored in AudienceDB.
Restricted Data: Whether the attribute is marked as containing restricted data.
Warnings: Any warnings about the attribute, such as an incorrect scope or a lack of enrichments for assigning a value to the attribute.
Attribute ID: The attribute’s ID.
You can filter your view by clicking any of the available drop-down filters at the top of the table.
View an attribute
Click any attribute in the table to view that attribute’s details.
The attribute details page contains two tabs:
Enrichments: Lists all the enrichments, and enrichment rules, for this attribute. Enrichments customize an attribute’s value. For more about enrichments, see (About enrichments).
Dependencies: Lists all items that are dependent on this attribute (for example: audiences, segments, rules, attributes, connectors, data sources, and Predict). You cannot delete an attribute if there are any dependencies on that attribute. To view a dependency’s details, click Go To.
Create an attribute
The process of adding visit or visitor attributes is similar. The following steps show how to add an audience attribute:
Go to AudienceStream > Visitor/Visit Attributes.
You can optionally use the filters on the left to narrow your view.
Click + Add Attribute.
In the Add Attribute dialog, select Visit or Visitor for the attribute scope and click Continue.
Select a data type and click Continue. For more about data types, see Data types.
(Required) In the Title field, enter a descriptive name. For visit and visitor attributes, you can use any ASCII character for Title other than double quotes.
In the Notes field, enter helpful notes that describe the purpose and/or mechanics of the attribute.
(Optional) Select the Restricted Data checkbox if the visitor data includes PII data.
(Optional) Check the AudienceDB checkbox to include the attribute as a column in AudienceDB.
This step requires AudienceDB to be enabled in the profile.
Preloaded attributes cannot be modified, but you can duplicate them and modify the copy. The duplicate contains all of the enrichments and rules from the original.
Use the following steps to edit an attribute:
Click the attribute you want to edit and click Edit.
Make your changes and click Save.
Save and publish your profile to apply the changes.
Bulk edit attributes
Use the following steps to edit label assignments, restricted data status, or inclusion in AudienceDB for an attribute:
Select the checkboxes next to the attributes you want to delete.
Under Assign Labels, or under More actions and Mark as Restricted Data and Send to AudienceDB, click the bulk action you want to do.
If you select Assign Labels, select the labels to assign to the selected attributes, or deselect the labels to unassign from the attributes.
Duplicate an Attribute
Use the following steps to duplicate an attribute:
Click the attribute you want to duplicate and then click Duplicate.
Edit if needed and then click Save.
Save and publish your profile to apply the changes.
Attributes with dependencies cannot be deleted. You must remove the attribute from all dependencies.
Use the following steps to delete an attribute:
Click the attribute you want to delete.
Click Delete.
If the attribute you attempt to delete is currently in use by a rule, an enrichment, or an audience, the following message is displayed:
To delete the attribute, remove it from any listed dependencies and try again.
In the Delete Attribute dialog, click Delete to delete the attribute.
Save and publish your profile to apply the changes.
Bulk delete attributes
Use the following steps to delete (or remove) an attribute:
Select the checkboxes next to the attributes you want to delete.
Click Delete.
If one or more attributes you attempt to delete are currently in use by a rule, an enrichment, or an audience, the following message is displayed:
To delete attributes with dependencies, remove them from any listed dependencies and try again.
Click confirm to delete the attributes without dependencies.