Manage consent preferences
This article explains how to manage settings in the Consent Preferences Manager.
The Consent Preferences Manager is configured using the following tabs:

- Content
This tab is used to enter the message displayed to your customers, add multiple language translations, and provide your company’s logo URL and privacy policy link. - Customization
From this tab, customize the design and layout of your prompt by editing the CSS, HTML, and JavaScript used to display the pop-up. - Categories
In this tab, group your tags into categories based on their purpose or function. - Options
This tab allows you to adjust additional options, such as logging consent changes using DataAccess or marking non-tracking tags that are not governed by consent management, for example, a chat widget.
Use the following steps to begin setting up the Consent Preferences Manager:
- In the left sidebar, go to Client-Side Tools > Consent Management. In the Consent Preferences Dialog section, click Get Started to launch the configuration modal.
If your prompt is already set up, toggle it on or off from this screen.
Use the Content screen to customize the message displayed in the Preferences popup, add languages for translated content, define custom parameters, and see a preview of the popup.
The popup is templatized so that the content is separated from the code. The code uses parameters to substitute content using placeholder parameters. Parameters are referenced using the format: {{parameter_name}}
The standard built-in content parameters are:
- Title
The main heading of the consent prompt. - Message
Your message to customers to inform them about your tracking intentions and links to other resources such as a privacy policy or contact form. - Opt-in/Opt-out
{{opt_in}} / {{opt_out}}
The two options available: opt-in - grant consent, opt-out - deny consent. - Confirmation Button
The label on the submission button.
To edit the content of the standard parameters, modify the text fields and click Finish.
Sample HTML code with parameters:
<div class="example_body">
<div class="privacy_prompt">
<div class="privacy_prompt_content">
<div class="privacy_prompt_footer">
<div class="button right">{{confirmation_button}}</div>
<div class="close_btn_thick"></div>
Custom parameters
Add custom parameters to further customize the popup. Custom parameters are referenced within the standard parameters or in the CSS/HTML/JavaScript code.
Best Practice: Avoid putting translatable text directly in the HTML or JavaScript. Instead, construct the code with {{parameters}}
and define the values using custom parameters.
To add a custom parameter:
- Click + Add Parameter.
The Custom Parameter dialog appears. - Enter a name for the parameter.
- Click Apply.
The new custom parameter displays in the list. - Enter a value for the new parameter.
This value is substituted any place that the parameter is referenced. - Click Finish.
The preferences popup is built with automatic language detection. The browser’s language setting of the browser is detected (two-character language code, for example de
for German) and the pop-up presents the corresponding version of the content (if that language has been configured). The preferences pop-up is configured in English (en
) as the default.
You are able to override the language with a value provided in the data layer (provided it is in the ISO format). Add this code as a preloader extension. This tells the consent which variable to use to switch the language. This affects the language shown for both explicit and preferences manager.
window.utag_cfg_ovrd = window.utag_cfg_ovrd || {};
window.utag_cfg_ovrd.gdprDLRef = "<some data layer var, for example: meta.lang/page_lang>";
Use the following steps to add a language:
- In the Language side panel, click + Add.
The Add Language dialog appears. - Select the desired language and click Apply.
The new language displays in the Language side panel. - Click the new language to configure its content.
- Enter the translated values in the standard parameter boxes (Title, Message, and Confirmation button).
- Click Finish.
Set a default language by checking the box named Make Default Language located in the language title bar. The default language is used to display the preferences pop-up when the customer’s detected browser language does not have a matching language configured in the consent prompt manager.

Preview your configuration by clicking Preview from the language title bar.
Customization (CSS, HTML, JavaScript)
On the Customization screen, the code appears behind the consent prompt – the CSS, HTML, and JavaScript that runs the prompt. This code is editable to adjust the look and design of the popup to match your website.
When a user opts out of a category, tags in that category are suppressed automatically by the consent preferences manager. Customers can access their preference selections by clicking a link that you provide using the consent preferences JavaScript.
On the Categories screen, you can adjust the categories that tags are grouped into.
Use the following steps to adjust a tag category:
- Select a category from the sidebar.
The list of tags appears in the main panel. - Click the drop-down list and select a new category for the tag.
- Click Finish.
To omit a category from displaying in the pop-up list that displays to the customer, toggle the switch to Off. To display a category in the customer’s pop-up display, toggle the switch to On.
On the Options screen, configure the Tealium cookie behavior and tags to omit.
Cookie preferences
Select whether or not to retain the Tealium cookie. This setting overrides any other preferences that disable tracking. The Tealium cookie is used for visitor, session and timestamp information. It addition, it is used with the Persist Data Values extension to store custom values.
Default state for categories
This setting applies to two scenarios where a default state for the categories is needed:
Explicit consent prompt is active but the customer ignores it
When the consent preferences modal is shown the default state for categories is used.- On
Categories are enabled by default in the preferences modal until the customer makes changes, but tracking follows the consent prompt policy until the customer gives consent. - Off
Categories are disabled by default in the preferences modal until the customer makes changes, but tracking follows the consent prompt policy until the customer gives consent.
- On
Explicit consent prompt is inactive and the customer has not set preferences
The default state for categories determines if tags should fire.- On
Tracking occurs until preference categories are disabled - Off
Tracking is suppressed until preference categories are enabled
- On
Tag to omit
Not all tags deployed via iQ Tag Management are for tracking or data collection. Tags and extensions are also used to serve site functionality, such as popup modals, product feedback, site support, or chat clients. Use the Tags to Omit setting to create a list of tags to be exempted from the consent preferences popup.
JavaScript code
After enabled and published, the consent preferences pop-up introduces a JavaScript function into the utag
namespace to allow you to integrate additional functionality.
Use the following function to launch the consent preference dialog:
Displays the consent preferences popup. This function should be integrated into your site to provide visitors a way to change their consent preferences.
<a href="#" onClick="utag.gdpr.showConsentPreferences()">Consent Preferences</a>
To set the language dynamically, pass a language code value to the function. This overrides both the window.utag_cfg_ovrd.gdprDLRef
configuration and the browser detection logic.
utag.gdpr.showConsentPreferences('de-DE'); // German/Germany
utag.gdpr.showConsentPreferences('fr'); // French
This page was last updated: December 26, 2024