This section contains articles that explain different event types.
The browser history change event monitors the browser history API for changes in navigation for single-page applications (SPA).
The click event sends tracking data when a visitor clicks an element on a page. You can specify a full click and release, mousedown, or mouseup trigger.
The element visibility event sends tracking data when a visitor sees a specific element on a page. You can specify how much of the element needs to be visible and for how long before the event listener triggers.
The form submission event sends tracking data when a visitor submits a form on a page.
The hash event sends tracking data when the anchor of the page’s URL after the hash symbol (#) changes.
The HTML5 video event sends tracking data when a visitor interacts with an embedded HTML5 video on a page. You can specify event triggers for when the visitor plays, pauses, or reaches a specific playback milestone, or when the video is buffering.
The mouseover event sends tracking data when a visitor hovers their cursor over an element on a page. You can specify how long the visitor needs to hover the cursor over that element.
The page load event sends tracking data when a visitor loads a page.
The page view event sends tracking data when a visitor views a page.
The scroll event sends tracking data when a visitor scrolls through a screen. You can specify whether to measure the scroll amount by pixels or screen percentage. You can also specify whether to track vertical scrolling, horizontal scrolling, or both.
The Vimeo event sends tracking data when a visitor interacts with an embedded Vimeo video on a page. You can specify event triggers for when the visitor plays, pauses, or reaches a specific playback milestone, or when the video is buffering.
The YouTube event sends tracking data when a visitor interacts with an embedded YouTube video on a page. You can specify event triggers for when the visitor plays, pauses, or reaches a specific playback milestone, or when the video is buffering.