Iterable Connector Setup Guide
This article describes how to set up the Iterable connector.
Connector Actions
Action Name | AudienceStream | EventStream |
Track Event (Batched) | ✗ | ✓ |
Upsert User (Batched) | ✓ | ✓ |
Forget a User in Compliance with GDPR | ✓ | ✓ |
Send SMS Notification to User | ✓ | ✓ |
Send an Email to an Email Address | ✓ | ✓ |
Trigger Workflow | ✓ | ✓ |
Subscribe a User (AS Only) | ✓ | ✗ |
Unsubscribe a User (AS Only) | ✓ | ✗ |
Subscribe User to List | ✓ | ✗ |
Unsubscribe User from List | ✓ | ✗ |
Update User Email | ✓ | ✓ |
Update Shopping Cart | ✓ | ✓ |
Track Purchase | ✓ | ✓ |
Configure Settings
Navigate to the Connector Marketplace and add a new connector. For more information, see About connectors.
After adding the connector, configure the following settings:
- Host
- For EU-based API endpoints, select
- For US-based API endpoints, select
- API Key
You can find your API Key by navigating to Integrations > API Keys in the Iterable Connector menu.
Click Done when you are finished configuring the connector.
Action Settings — Parameters and Options
Click Continue to configure the connector actions. Enter in a name for the action and then select the action type from the drop-down menu.
The following section describes how to set up parameters and options for each action.
Action — Track Event (Batched)
Batch Limits
This action uses batched requests to support high-volume data transfers to the vendor. For more information, see Batched Actions. Requests are queued until one of the following thresholds is met or the profile is published:
- Max number of requests: 1000
- Max time since oldest request: 10 minutes
- Max size of requests: 4 MB
Parameter | Description |
Event Name | (Required). Name of event. |
Created At | Time event happened. Set to the time event was received if unspecified. Expects a Unix timestamp. If this field is not mapped, it will be initialized with the current timestamp. |
Either Email or User ID must be entered to identify the user. If both are entered, Email takes precedence. | |
Event ID | If an event exists with the entered ID, the event will be updated. If no Event ID is specified, a new ID will automatically be generated and returned. Note that this ID cannot be longer than 512 bytes. |
User ID | User ID that was passed into the updateUser call. |
Campaign | Campaign tied to conversion. See Introduction to Campaigns for more information about campaigns. |
Project Template | Template ID. See Introduction to Templates for more information about templates. |
Data Fields | Additional data associated with the event (Example: item amount or item quantity). For events of the same name, identically named data fields must be of the same type. |
Template Variables | Provide template variables as data input (See Template Variables Guide). Name nested template variables with the dot notation (Example: ).Nested template variables are typically built from data layer list attributes. |
Templates | Provide templates to be referenced in Body Data (see: Templates Guide). Templates are injected by name with double curly braces into supported fields (Example: {{SomeTemplateName}} ). |
Action — Upsert User (Batched)
Batch Limits
This action uses batched requests to support high-volume data transfers to the vendor. For more information, see Batched Actions. Requests are queued until one of the following thresholds is met or the profile is published:
- Max number of requests: 1000
- Max time since oldest request: 10 minutes
- Max size of requests: 4 MB
Parameter | Description |
An email must be set unless a profile already exists with a user ID set. If a profile already exists, a lookup from the User ID to Email is performed. | |
Merge Nested Objects | Merge top level objects instead of overwriting (Default: False). For example, if user profile has data: {mySettings:{mobile:true}} and change contact field has data: {mySettings:{email:true}} , the resulting profile: {mySettings:{mobile:true,email:true}} . |
Prefer User ID | Create a new user with the specified User ID if the user does not exist yet. |
User ID | Typically your database generated ID. Either Email or User ID must be specified. |
Data Fields | Data fields to store in the user profile. |
Template Variables | Provide template variables as data input (see: Template Variables Guide). Name nested template variables with the dot notation (Example: ).Nested template variables are typically built from data layer list attributes. |
Templates | Provide templates to be referenced in Body Data (See: Templates Guide). Templates are injected by name with double curly braces into supported fields (Example: {{SomeTemplateName}} ). |
Action — Forget a User in Compliance with GDPR
Parameter | Description |
Provide user email if you want to delete the specified user’s data from the Iterable project and prevent future data collection about them. |
Action — Send SMS Notification to User
Parameter | Description |
Campaign | Campaign ID. See Introduction to Campaigns for more information about campaigns. |
Allow Repeat Marketing Sends | Defaults to True. |
Recipient Email | Either Email or User ID must be entered to identify the user. If both are entered, Email takes precedence. |
Recipient User ID | User ID that was passed into the updateUser call. |
Send At | Schedule the message for up to 365 days in the future. If set in the past, the message is sent immediately. Expected format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS . Ensure data is properly formatted. If attribute of the Date type is provided, the connector will convert the value to the appropriate date format, shown above. |
Data Fields | Fields to merge into template. |
Template Variables | Provide template variables as data input (See: Template Variables Guide). Name nested template variables with the dot notation (Example: ).Nested template variables are typically built from data layer list attributes. |
Templates | Provide templates to be referenced in Body Data (see: Templates Guide). Templates are injected by name with double curly braces into supported fields (Example: {{SomeTemplateName}} ). |
Action — Send an Email to an Email Address
Parameter | Description |
Campaign | Campaign ID. See Introduction to Campaigns for more information about campaigns. |
Allow Repeat Marketing Sends | Defaults to True. |
Recipient Email | Either Email or User ID must be entered to identify the user. If both are entered, Email takes precedence. |
Recipient User ID | User ID that was passed into the updateUser call. |
Send At | Schedule the message for up to 365 days in the future. If set in the past, the message is sent immediately. Expected format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS . Ensure data is properly formatted. If attribute of the Date type is provided, the connector will convert the value to the appropriate date format, shown above. |
Data Fields | Fields to merge into email template. |
Metadata | Metadata to pass back via webhooks. Not used for rendering. |
Template Variables | Provide template variables as data input (See: Template Variables Guide). Name nested template variables with the dot notation (Example: ).Nested template variables are typically built from data layer list attributes. |
Templates | Provide templates to be referenced in Body Data (see: Templates Guide). Templates are injected by name with double curly braces into supported fields (Example: {{SomeTemplateName}} ). |
Action — Trigger Workflow
Parameter | Description |
Workflow ID | ID of workflow to trigger. See Introduction to Workflows for more information about workflows. |
List | Trigger the workflow for all users in a list. |
Trigger workflow for given email address. Trigger only with Email or List. | |
Data Fields | Additional data associated triggering event. |
Template Variables | Provide template variables as data input (See: Template Variables Guide). Name nested template variables with the dot notation (Example: ).Nested template variables are typically built from data layer list attributes. |
Templates | Provide templates to be referenced in Body Data (See: Templates Guide). Templates are injected by name with double curly braces into supported fields (Example: {{SomeTemplateName}} ). |
Action — Subscribe a User (AS Only)
Parameter | Description |
Subscription Group | Select Subscription Group. |
Subscription Group ID | Provide the ID of the message channel, message type or email list to which you are subscribing the user. |
Provide the email address of the user for which you’d like to create a subscription. | |
User ID | Provide user ID of the user for which you’d like to create a subscription. Either Email or User ID must be specified. |
Action — Unsubscribe a User (AS Only)
Parameter | Description |
Subscription Group | Select Subscription Group. |
Subscription Group ID | Provide the ID of the message channel, message type or email list from which you are unsubscribing the user. |
Provide the email address of the user from which you are unsubscribing the user. | |
User ID | Provide user ID of the user from which you are unsubscribing the user. Either Email or User ID must be specified. |
Action — Subscribe User to List
Parameter | Description |
List | Select list to subscribe user to. |
An email must be set unless a profile already exists with a user ID set. In which case, a lookup from User ID to Email is performed. | |
Merge Nested Objects | Merge top level objects instead of overwriting (Default: False). For example, if user profile has data: {mySettings:{mobile:true}} and change contact field has data: {mySettings:{email:true}} , the resulting profile: {mySettings:{mobile:true,email:true}} . |
Prefer User ID | Create a new user with the specified user ID if the user does not exist yet. |
User ID | Typically your database generated ID. Either Email or User ID must be specified. |
Data Fields | Data fields to store in the user profile. |
Template Variables | Provide template variables as data input (See: Template Variables Guide). Name nested template variables with the dot notation (Example: ).Nested template variables are typically built from data layer list attributes. |
Templates | Provide templates to be referenced in Body Data (See: Templates Guide). Templates are injected by name with double curly braces into supported fields (Example: {{SomeTemplateName}} ). |
Action — Unsubscribe User from List
Parameter | Description |
List | Select list to unsubscribe user from. |
User email. | |
User ID | Typically your database generated ID. Either Email or User ID must be specified. |
Campaign | Attribute unsubscribe to a campaign. See Introduction to Campaigns for more information about campaigns. |
Channel Unsubscribe | Unsubscribe email from list’s associated channel. |
Action — Update User Email
Parameter | Description |
New Email | New user email. (Required) |
Current Email | Current user email. |
Current User ID | Typically your database generated ID. Either Email or User ID must be specified. |
Action — Update Shopping Cart
Parameter | Description |
User email. | |
Merge Nested Objects | Merge top level objects instead of overwriting (Default: False). For example, if user profile has data: {mySettings:{mobile:true}} and change contact field has data: {mySettings:{email:true}} , the resulting profile: {mySettings:{mobile:true,email:true}} . |
Prefer User ID | Create a new user with the specified User ID if the user does not exist yet. |
User ID | Typically your database generated ID. Either Email or User ID must be specified. |
User Data Fields | Data fields to store in the user profile. |
User Data Fields Template Variables | Provide template variables as data input (see: Template Variables Guide). Name nested template variables with the dot notation (Example: Nested template variables are typically built from data layer list attributes. |
User Data Fields Templates | Provide templates to be referenced in User Data Fields (see: Templates Guide). Templates are injected by name with double curly braces into supported fields (Example: {{SomeTemplateName}}). |
Item ID | Product item ID. |
SKU | Product SKU. |
Name | Product name. |
Description | Product description. |
Category | Product category. |
Subcategory | Product subcategory. |
Price | Product price. |
Quantity | Product quantity. |
Image URL | URL for product image. |
URL | URL for product page. |
Items Data Fields | Additional item properties. Provide Array type attributes to add multiple items. Array type attributes must be of equal length. Items Data Fields arrays and Items Attributes arrays must be of equal length. Single value attributes can be used and will apply to each item. |
Items Template Variables | Provide template variables as data input (see: Template Variables Guide). Name nested template variables with the dot notation (Example: Nested template variables are typically built from data layer list attributes. |
Items Template | If you need nested objects support, use this section to define a template. The template expects a JSON array format. When template is defined, then configuration from the Items Attributes section will be ignored. Either Items Template or Items Attributes must be specified. More information about templates (see: Templates Guide). |
Action — Track Purchase
Parameter | Description |
Total | (Required) |
Purchase ID | ID of purchase transaction. |
Created At | Time event happened. Set to the time event was received if unspecified. Expects a Unix timestamp. If this field is not mapped, it will be initialized with the current timestamp. |
Either Email or User ID must be entered to identify the user. If both are entered, Email takes precedence. | |
Merge Nested Objects | Merge top level objects instead of overwriting (Default: False). For example, if user profile has data: {mySettings:{mobile:true}} and change contact field has data: {mySettings:{email:true}} , the resulting profile: {mySettings:{mobile:true,email:true}} . |
Prefer User ID | Create a new user with the specified User ID if the user does not exist yet. |
User ID | Typically your database generated ID. EitherEmailorUser IDmust be specified. |
Campaign | Campaign ID. See Introduction to Campaigns for more information about campaigns. |
Project Template | Template ID. See Introduction to Templates for more information about templates. |
Data Fields | Additional fields to be tracked. |
User Data Fields | Data fields to store in the user profile. |
Data Fields Template Variables | Provide template variables as data input (see: Template Variables Guide). Name nested template variables with the dot notation (Example: Nested template variables are typically built from data layer list attributes. |
Data Fields Templates | Provide templates to be referenced in Data Fields and User Data Fields (see: Templates Guide). Templates are injected by name with double curly braces into supported fields (Example: {{SomeTemplateName}}). |
Item ID | Product item ID. |
SKU | Product SKU. |
Name | Product name. |
Description | Product description. |
Category | Product category. |
Subcategory | Product subcategory. |
Price | Product price. |
Quantity | Quantity of product purchased. |
Image URL | URL for product image. |
URL | URL for product page. |
Items Data Fields | Additional item properties. Provide Array type attributes to add multiple items. Array type attributes must be of equal length. Items Data Fields arrays and Items Attributes arrays must be of equal length. Single value attributes can be used and will apply to each item. |
Items Template Variables | Provide template variables as data input (see: Template Variables Guide). Name nested template variables with the dot notation (Example: Nested template variables are typically built from data layer list attributes. |
Items Template | If you need nested objects support, use this section to define a template. The template expects a JSON array format. When template is defined, then configuration from the Items Attributes section will be ignored. Either Items Template or Items Attributes must be specified. More information about templates (see: Templates Guide). |
This page was last updated: July 8, 2022