Nextdoor Connector Setup Guide
This article describes how to set up the Nextdoor connector.
API Information
This connector uses the following vendor API:
- API Name: Nextdoor API
- API Version: v2
- API Endpoint:
- Documentation: Nextdoor API
Connector Actions
Action Name | AudienceStream | EventStream |
Send Conversion | ✗ | ✓ |
Configure Settings
Navigate to the Connector Marketplace and add a new connector. For general instructions on how to add a connector, see About Connectors.
After adding the connector, configure the following settings:
- API Token
Required: Obtain an authentication token specific to a logged-in user and their associated account on the Nextdoor Ads Manager account page.
Enter a name for the action and select the action type from the drop-down menu.
The following section describes how to set up parameters and options for each action.
Send Conversion
Parameter | Description |
Event Name | The type of the conversion tracking event. Select a value from the drop-down list or enter a custom string value. |
Action Source | The channel through which conversion happened. Select a value from the drop-down list. |
Client ID | (Required) Nextdoor Ads Manager Advertiser ID. |
Partner ID | The Nextdoor-generated ID associated with a single partner. This value is required in all Conversion API calls. |
Action Source URL | The browser URL where the event happened. The URL must begin with http:// or https:// , and it must should match the verified domain. This value is required for website events. |
Event ID | Any string or hashed ID that can identify a unique event. This value is required to deduplicate events from CAPI and pixel tracking. |
Event Time | Timestamp of the event in ISO 8601 format. |
Event Timezone | Time zone indicating where the conversion event took place. |
Test Event | This value indicates if this event is a test event. The default value is False . |
Email Address (already SHA256 hashed) | Provide an email address which has already been SHA256 hashed. |
Email Address (apply SHA256 hash) | Provide a plain text email address and the connector will whitespace trim, lowercase, and hash this value using SHA256 hash. |
Phone Number (already SHA256 hashed) | Provide a phone number which has already been SHA256 hashed. |
Phone Number (apply SHA256 hash) | Provide a plain text phone number and the connector will whitespace trim and hash this value using SHA256 hash. |
First Name (already SHA256 hashed) | Provide a first name which has already been SHA256 hashed. |
First Name (apply SHA256 hash) | Provide a plain text first name and the connector will whitespace trim, lowercase, and hash this value using SHA256 hash. |
Last Name (already SHA256 hashed) | Provide a last name which has already been SHA256 hashed. |
Last Name (apply SHA256 hash) | Provide a plain text last name and the connector will whitespace trim, lowercase, and hash this value using SHA256 hash. |
Date of Birth (already SHA256 hashed) | Provide a date of birth which has already been SHA256 hashed and in YYYYMMDD format. |
Date of Birth (apply SHA256 hash) | Provide a plain text date of birth and the connector will whitespace trim and hash this value using SHA256 hash in YYYYMMDD format. |
Street Address (already SHA256 hashed) | Provide a street address which has already been SHA256 hashed. |
Street Address (apply SHA256 hash) | Provide a plain text street address and the connector will whitespace trim, lowercase, and hash this value using SHA256 hash. |
City (already SHA256 hashed) | Provide a city which has already been SHA256 hashed. |
City (apply SHA256 hash) | Provide a plain text city and the connector will whitespace trim, lowercase, and hash this value using SHA256 hash. |
State (already SHA256 hashed) | Provide a state abbreviation which has already been lowercased in two letter ANSI abbreviation code. |
State (apply SHA256 hash) | Provide a state abbreviation and the connector will whitespace trim, lowercase, and hash this value using SHA256 hash in two letter ANSI abbreviation code. |
Zip Code (already SHA256 hashed) | Provide a ZIP code which has already been SHA256 hashed. |
Zip Code (apply SHA256 hash) | Provide a plain text ZIP code and the connector will whitespace trim, lowercase, and hash this value using SHA256 hash. |
Country (already SHA256 hashed) | Provide a 2-letter country code which has already been whitespace trimmed and SHA256 hashed in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. |
Country (apply SHA256 hash) | Provide a plain text country code and the connector will whitespace trim, lowercase, and hash this value using SHA256 hash using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. |
Pixel ID | The Pixel ID associated with your Ad Account. |
Click ID | This is the same as the ndclid parameter attached to the clickthrough URL. |
Client IP Address | Provide a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
Delivery Optimization |
Order Value | (Required) Required for purchase events. The currency code in ISO 4217 format followed by the total numeric value (up to two decimal places) associated with the event. |
Order ID | The order ID for a transaction. This value is required for offline events. |
App ID | Corresponds to a unique ID for advertisers. Use the mobile app ID from App Store and Google Play Store. |
Platform | The user’s platform. Values can be iOS or Android . |
App Version | Mobile App Version. |
Delivery Category |
ID | (Required) Product ID. |
Content Name | Product name. |
Quantity | Product quantity. |
Item Price | Product item price. |
App Tracking Enabled | Users opt-out settings for ATT. |
Automatic Deduplication
Parameter | Description |
Automatic Deduplication | When you provide the Tealium iQ Tag ID, the connector automatically looks for the Event ID value that Tealium iQ sends. |
This page was last updated: November 14, 2023