Connector interface
The connectors interface displays an intuitive workflow to be used by AudienceStream Customer Data Platform (CDP) and EventStream API Hub users when building and maintaining server-side connectors and actions.
From the landing page for connectors, you can add and configure new connectors, view and edit actions for existing connectors, and view real-time reporting for success and error counts.
The following list provides an overview of the features available from the connector interface:
Landing Page
When accessing connectors, the initial default view is an expanded snapshot of your current server-side connectors.
Spotlight Search
Using the Spotlight Search feature, you can begin typing a connector name for the connector you are looking for and the list will populate matches as each character is typed. From the search results, you can go directly to available options for that connector and drill-down into the details.

Connector Summary
When adding a connector, the first page summarizes information about the connector, including what you will need, actions supported, and internal and external resources related to the connector.

The workflow for the connector interface is designed to guide the user through simple steps to add new server-side connectors and displays the action options already assigned for each technology.

Set a Connector by Configuration
You can set different configurations for a single connector. For example, your developer, sandbox, and production accounts can each have a unique configuration.
View Consent Categories
Each EventStream connector in the marketplace has one or more consent categories assigned for each available action. You can quickly view the consent category for a specific connector by clicking the Information icon next to a connector action.

View Incomplete Actions
When configuring actions for a connector, a status indicator to the right of each required action displays COMPLETED
to provide a quick view of completeness before moving on. Optional actions do not display this status.

Toggle Actions On or Off
You can toggle individual actions for a connector on or off, or toggle the entire connector on or off.

Reassign New Actions
You can create actions and reassign those actions to server-side connectors that are already built.
Enhanced Reporting
Server-side connector reporting for AudienceStream and EventStream shows the total success and error counts, in real-time. You can optionally download the error information to a CSV file for closer examination.
Roll Back to a Previous Connector Version
You can now roll back to any previously published version of a connector.

This page was last updated: February 21, 2023