Preloaded attributes
This article describes preloaded attributes.
How it works
For your convenience, AudienceStream and EventStream contain a set of preloaded event, visit, and visitor attributes. Each attribute is configured to collect statistical information that can help you determine useful information about each visitor or visit. These attributes do not require additional data beyond the standard event data from the Tealium Collect tag.
Preloaded attributes cannot be modified, but you can duplicate them and modify the copy. The duplicate contains all of the enrichments and rules from the original.
Visitor attributes
Visitor attributes | ID | Type | Description | Enrichments |
Average visit duration in minutes | 26 | Number | The average visit duration in minutes. | Set ratio Average visit duration in minutes to Total time spent on site in minutes divided by Lifetime visit count when visit ended. |
Average visits per week | 29 | Number | Average visits per week. | Set ratio Average visits per week to Lifetime visit count divided by Weeks since first visit when new visit if Weeks since first visit is greater than or equal to 1 . |
Fan | 30 | Badge | The visitor has visited more than two times and has more direct visits than referrals. | Assign Fan badge to visitor when new visit if Total direct visits is greater than Total referred visits . |
First visit | 23 | Date | The date of the first visit. | Set First visit_copy to Last event timestamp when new visitor. |
Frequent visitor | 31 | Badge | The visitor has averages two or more visits a week. | Remove Frequent visitor badge from visitor when new visit if Average visits per week is less than 2 and assign Frequent visitor to visitor when new visit if Average visits per week is greater than or equal to 2 . |
Last event URL | 17 | String | The last event URL for the visitor. | Set string Last event URL to Current URL when any event. |
Last visit | 24 | Date | The date of the last visit. | Set Last visit to Last event timestamp when visit ended. |
Lifetime browser types used | 57 | Tally | A tally of how many times each type of browser is used. | For tally Lifetime browser types used increment all values by 1 if found in Active browser types when visit ended. |
Lifetime browser types used (favorite) | 56 | String | The favorite item out of the Lifetime browser types used attribute. | Automatically generated from Lifetime browser types used. |
Lifetime browser versions used | 63 | Tally | A tally of browser versions used. | For tally Lifetime browser versions used increment all values by 1 if found in Active browser versions when visit ended. |
Lifetime browser versions used (favorite) | 62 | String | The favorite out of the Lifetime browser versions used attribute. | Automatically generated from Lifetime browser versions used. |
Lifetime devices used | 55 | Tally | A tally of devices used | For tally Lifetime devices used increment all values by 1 if found in Active devices when visit ended. |
Lifetime devices used (favorite) | 54 | String | The favorite item out of the Lifetime devices used attribute. | Automatically generated from Lifetime devices used. |
Lifetime event count | 22 | Number | The total number of events triggered by user. | Increment number Lifetime event count by 1 when any event. |
Lifetime operating systems used | 59 | Tally | A tally of operating systems used. | For tally Lifetime operating systems used increment all values by 1 if found in Active operating systems when visit ended. |
Lifetime operating systems used (favorite) | 58 | String | The favorite item out of the Lifetime operating systems used attribute | Automatically generated from Lifetime operating systems used. |
Lifetime platforms used | 61 | Tally | A tally of platforms used. | For tally Lifetime platforms used increment all values by 1 if found in Active platforms when visit ended. |
Lifetime platforms used (favorite) | 60 | String | The favorite item out of the Lifetime platforms used attribute. | Automatically generated from Lifetime platforms used. |
Lifetime visit count | 21 | Number | Total number of times user has visited site. |
Returning visitor | 27 | Boolean | The visitor is a returning visitor. | Set Returning visitor to true when new visit Lifetime visit count is greater than 1 . |
Total direct visits | 15 | Number | The total number of direct visits. | Increment number Total direct visits by 1 when new visit if Referring URL is empty or Referring URL equals Current URL . |
Total referred visits | 16 | Number | The total number of referred visits. | Increment number Total referred visits by 1 when new visit if Referring URL is not empty and Referring URL does not equal Current URL . |
Total time spent on site in minutes | 25 | Number | The sum of the duration of all user visits. | Increment number Total time spent on site in minutes by Visit duration when visit ended. |
Unbadged | 32 | Badge | The visitor has not been assigned any badges. | Assign Unbadged badge to visitor when new visitor. |
Weeks since first visit | 28 | Number | The number of weeks elapsed since first visit. | Set ratio Average visits per week to Lifetime visit count divided by Weeks since first visit when new visit if Weeks since first visit is greater than or equal to 1 . |
Visit attributes
Visit attributes | ID | Type | Description | Enrichments |
Active browser type | 44 | String | The browser actively being used by the visitor. |
Active browser types | 49 | Set of strings | A deduplicated list of browser types used this visit. | For tally Lifetime browser types used increment all values by 1 if found in Active browser types when visit ended. |
Active browser version | 48 | String | The browser version actively being used by the visitor. | For set of strings Active browser versions add Active browser version when any event. |
Active browser versions | 53 | Set of strings | A deduplicated list of browser versions this visit. | For tally Lifetime browser versions used increment all values by 1 if found in Active browser versions when visit ended. |
Active device | 46 | String | The device actively being used by the visitor. | For set of strings Active devices add Active device when any visit. |
Active devices | 51 | Set of strings | A deduplicated list of devices this visit. | For tally Lifetime devices used increment all values by 1 if found in Active devices when visit ended. |
Active operating system | 45 | String | The operating system actively being used by the visitor. | For set of strings Active operating systems add Active operating system when any event. |
Active operating systems | 50 | Set of strings | A deduplicated list of operating systems. | For tally Lifetime operating systems used increment all values by 1 if found in Active operating systems when visit ended. |
Active platform | 47 | String | The platform actively being used by the visitor. | For set of strings Active platforms add Active platform when any event. |
Active platforms | 52 | Set of strings | A deduplicated list of active platforms. | For tally Lifetime platforms used increment all values by 1 if found in Active platforms when visit ended. |
Direct visit | 14 | Boolean | The user navigated directly to the site. | Set boolean Direct visit to true when new visit if Referring URL is empty or Referring URL equals Current URL . |
Entry URL | 5 | String | The URL of the first page visited. | Set string Entry URL to Current URL when new visit. |
Event count | 7 | Number | The total number of events in this visit. | Increment Number Event count by 1 when any event. |
Exit URL | 6 | String | The URL of the last page visited. | Set string Exit URL to Current URL when visit ended. |
Referred visit | 13 | Boolean | The user was referred from another site. | Set boolean Referred visit to true when new visit if Referring URL is not empty and Referring URL does not equal Current URL . |
Visit duration | 12 | Number | The duration of this visit. | Increment number Total time spent on site in minutes by Visit duration when visit ended. |
Visit end | 11 | Date | The end date of this visit. | Set number Visit duration to be the difference between Visit end and Visit start in minutes when any event. |
Visit start | 10 | Date | The start date of this visit. | Set number Visit duration to be the difference between Visit end and Visit start in minutes when any event. |
Event attributes
Event attributes | ID | Type | Description | Enrichments |
Client IP | 74 | String | The IPv4 address of the visitor. | |
Client IPv6 | 83 | String | The IPv6 address of the visitor. The visitor must have an IPv6 address and their network infrastructure must be able to transmit the address. | If you want to create an attribute that uses the IPv4 address as a fallback when the IPv6 address is not available, see our Setting Fallbacks When Using IPv6 knowledge base article. |
Current URL | 4 | String | The URL of the current page. |
Domain | 35 | String | The domain of the current page. | |
event_name | 64 | String | This attribute is deprecated; use tealium_event instead. |
Last event timestamp | 8 | String | The timestamp of the last event. |
Page Title | 38 | String | The title of the current page. | |
Pathname | 36 | String | The pathname of the current page. | |
platform | 40 | String | The platform of the client. | |
Query String | 37 | String | The query string of the current page. | |
Referring URL | 3 | String | The URL of the previous page. | |
tealium_account | 66 | String | The account name. | |
tealium_datasource | 70 | String | The Data Source Key. | |
tealium_environment | 67 | String | The publishing environment. | |
tealium_event | 75 | String | The Tealium event name (either view or link ). |
tealium_event_type | 78 | String | The type of Tealium event being dispatched (either view or event ). |
tealium_firstparty_visitor_id | 76 | String | The visitor ID provided by the first-party cookie. | |
tealium_library_name | 68 | String | The library name. | |
tealium_library_version | 69 | String | The version of the library. | |
tealium_profile | 79 | String | The account profile. | |
tealium_random | 65 | Number | This value is a random number that the platform generated for each event. The expected value is 16 numeric digits. This value is prepended with zeroes if it is less than 16 digits. | |
tealium_session_id | 71 | Number | This value is the epoch timestamp of when the first page view, event, or library finished starting up (in milliseconds). This value resets if there is no activity for 30 minutes on the web. | |
tealium_thirdparty_visitor_id | 77 | String | The visitor ID provided by the third-party cookie. | |
tealium_timestamp_epoch | 73 | Number | This value is when the event occurred, in seconds. If event was queued, this value is the time that the event originally occurred. | |
tealium_visitor_id | 72 | String | This value is the generated UUID, which is case sensitive on AudienceStream. This value was formerly tealium_vid in vdata calls. |
User Agent | 2 | String | The user agent string. |
The following examples demonstrate how you can use preloaded attributes:
- Use the Frequent visitor badge to create an audience, and then action that audience with a connector to send email to those visitors that says “Thank you for being a regular visitor.”
- Use the Lifetime operating systems used (favorite) attribute to change the placement of specific downloads on a page, making more relevant apps appear first.
- Use Total Direct Visits and Total Referred Visits to calculate the ratio of direct to referred visits for a visitor to understand each visitor or visit.
This page was last updated: March 14, 2025